Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Monthly Menu Planning: More to Come

I like to make my dinner menu by the month. I know a lot of my friends have expressed that menu planning is their least favorite thing to do! My goal is to publish my monthly menu every month along with links to the recipes.I will try an link my recipes, but it will take me a while to get my recipes posted on the site, so I am hoping after a few months that my monthly menu's will all have linked recipes. Please be patient

Also, if I have the time, I will publish my grocery list, where I shopped, and how much I spent. This way, if your really want to, you can copy my menu, print out my grocery list, and you are all done planning dinners for the entire month!

A couple things about my menu:
  • I usually only plan about 23 meals for the month. I just factor in going out to eat, dinner parties or invites, leftover nights or those nights where I am just to tired or busy to make a full meal (nights when you have cold cereal or frozen pizza). In the end I usually have just the right amount of meals planned. 
  •  I never assign a specific meal to a specific night. This way, I can be flexible. If I have time to make a bigger meal then I make one of the more involved recipes, and vice-versa.
  • Along the same lines, I try to even out my meals by week. For example, in a week I like to serve one beef meal, one chicken meal, one "dinner for breakfast" meal, one taco type meal, one soup or sandwich meal, one bread based meal (like pizza, calzones. chicken wrap-ups etc.) and one rice meal. 
  • Sometimes when planning a meal where I will have leftovers, I will often incorporate it into another meal the next night. If I do this, I will post the recipes together, so if you chose to make the same meal, then you will also have an option for the leftovers!
  • I also do not usually plan my side dishes, so if I do, I will post them. We usually have one fruit and one veggie with our meal.
So, check back soon as I work on getting my monthly menu up!

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